We "NDE Flaw Technologies Private Limited from INDIA" commonly known as NDE FLAW TECH. The company was established in 2012 and incorporated in 2015, the company is working as per Indian government rules and regulations.
NDE FLAW TECH Was Established As NDT Reference Standards And Flawed Weld Specimens Manufacturing Company, For Inspection Industries Provider To Cater The Requirements Of Various Industries In India As Well As Abroad. The Product We Provide Are Of The Highest Quality To Meet The Standard Inspection Requirements Of The Modern Industries.
All The Manufacturing Activities Are Carried Out To Meet The Client Requirements In Accordance With Respective Company Specification Or National / International Standards By Knowledgeable Staff.
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Manufacturing Flawed Specimens of Weld/Erosion, Corrosion, Pitting/casting, forging and Lamination for Training, Qualification, Mockup Exam, R&D, Equipment and Procedures development according to national and international standards like ISO, ASNT, ASME, ASTM, AWS, EN, API and much more. We Would Like to Introduce You to Our Proud Product NDT Flawed Specimens. Flawed Specimens for Level II Training, Practice and Qualification i.e. ASNT-TC-1A, PCN, BS EN ISO 9712, API, and others owing to the rich Industrial Experience, We are involved in Manufacturing of a Wide Assortment of Flawed Specimen. Offered Flawed Specimen using the practical procedures, personnel qualification and Equipment Development we, NDE FLAW TECH Manufacturer of Flawed Specimens in the Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation Industry, Pioneering many well Recognized 'Industry Standard Flaw Manufacture and Implanting Techniques.
Manufacturing NDT Calibration and Reference standards for NDT Supporting Industries like Power Generation, Heavy Engineering, Aerospace Shipbuilding, Mining, Machine tool building, Locomotive manufacturing, Oil and gas, Steel production, Chemical production Construction, and infrastructure.
We will strive to be the facility of choice by continuously improving Our Services and Products. We will provide quality workmanship and competitive pricing that meet our customer's expectations. We have a worldwide reputation for Providing High-Quality reference standards for NDT Industries, a Vast Range Of Industries, Nuclear Electric, Offshore, Rail, Power Generation, Mining, Gas, Construction, Foundries and General Engineering “24/7 NDT products service guarantees that we’re always available to our customers.”
Fastest Delivery As a supplier, our service will be on time with several levels of delivery service options. Our main goal is to satisfy the customer urgency with finest quality. We are not compromised with the quality before dispatching the product from our organization. Our team will not allow the customers to waiting for product behind the scheduled time.
REAL FLAW vs. ARTIFICAL FLAW Flaw Definitions Intentional weld defect or flaw specimens can be required for training purposes, developing new non- destructive testing techniques, qualifying non-destructive testing procedures, obtaining mechanical property data and in support of safety cases.
REFERENCE STANDARDS are documented agreements containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions of characteristics, in order to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services are fit for their purpose.
EDDY CURRENT TESTING STANDARDS (Surface) the product is passed through or adjacent to an electrical test coil, which has been excited by an alternating current. This induces a flow of Eddy Currents around the test material or in the case of a sector coil, in the area under the coil.
EDDY CURRENT TUBE STANDARDS Eddy current inspection is often used to detect corrosion, erosion, cracking and other changes in tubing. Heat exchangers and steam generators, which are used in power plants, have thousands of tubes that must be prevented from leaking.
IMPORTANCE OF FLAT BOTTOM HOLES (FBH) and SIDE DRILLED HOLE (SDH) Flat-bottom-hole reference blocks have been used as defect artifact standards in nondestructive testing for many years. Hole making process can be employ by both conventional machining (drilling) or non-conventional machining (EDM).
VACCUM BOX INSPECTION KIT Vacuum box testing is a non-destructive examination (NDE/NDT) used for locating welding leaks. A vacuum box and a compressor create a high or low-pressure vacuum and a detergent solution is applied to the test area. The detergent bubbles help to identify the leaks within the created pressure envelope.
Reference Standards for Aerospace Industry CALIBRATION BLOCK IN AEROSPACE NDE FLAW TECHNOLOGIES PVT.LTD. plays a major role in aerospace industries. We are specialized in manufacturing of calibration blocks for aerospace industries in accordance with Non-Destructive Testing manual of Boeing, Airbus, ATR etc., our team was well expert in customized calibration block as per the requirement of aerospace component.
IMPORTANCE OF CALIBRATION AND TRACEABILITY Calibration is a comparison between a known measurement (the standard) and the measurement using your instrument. Typically, the accuracy of the standard should be ten times the accuracy of the measuring device being tested. However, an accuracy ratio of 3:1 is acceptable by most standards organizations.
IMPORTANCE OF REPLICA SAMPLES BASIC PRINCIPLE OF REPLICA: Non-destructive metallography of surfaces makes it possible to analyses a material microstructure and a surface condition as well as various surface damages occurring due to overloading or improper tribological circumstances. Machine or tool parts inspected are not damaged during the surface preparation.
HIGH TEMPERATURE HYDROGEN CRACK INTRODUCTION: High temperature hydrogen crack (HTHC), also called hot hydrogen crack, is a problem which concerns steels operating at elevated temperatures (typically above 400°C) in hydrogen environments, in refinery, petrochemical and other chemical facilities and, possibly, high pressure steam boilers.
NDT REFERENCE STANDARD BEARING INDUSTRIES A bearing is a mechanical unit that provides a mobile link between two parts that rotate in relation to one another. Its function is to permit relative rotation of these parts, under load, with accuracy and minimum friction.
STRESS CORROSION CRACK The mechanism of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) involves a very complicated sequence of corrosion and fracture. It has been shown that, for some materials, fine pitting is needed to start the activity. Further progress is then a process alternating between corrosion and mechanical cracking until the material fails completely.
OUR TUBE STANDARDS FOR-ECT, RFT, NFT, MFL, IRIS, NFA Eddy Current Testing (ECT) works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. In ECT a probe is excited with sinusoidal alternating current to induce eddy current in an electrically conducting material such as stainless steel, aluminum etc.
FIN TUBES We are manufacturing fin tubes as per the standard of ASME SEC VIII and API 661 requirement with flaw for Non Destructive Testing. The flawed fin tubes are used to set the Non Destructive Testing equipment prior to work on the examination. The ASME Code Section VIII Div.1 and API 661 requirements normally are used for inspection and test plan for fin tube.
STANDARDIZED FLAWED SPECIMEN KITS FOR TRAINING, PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION, PROCEDURE AND EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT. STANDARDIZED FLAW SPECIMEN KIT We are providing standardized flaw specimen kit for accept / reject level of flaws as per individual standards like ASME, AWS, ISO/BS/EN. We are specialized of manufacturing welded flaw specimen in accordance to standard. As per ASME acceptance criteria we are manufacturing flaw specimen with accept level as well as in reject level and providing report with photo document.
CASTING FORGING DEFECTIVE SAMPLE We are our own well equipped set up for making casting and forging defective samples as per client customized requirements. The flawed casting and forging samples are used as a demonstration process prior to examination.
CORROSION EROSION PITTING SPECIMENS Both corrosion and erosion happen due to certain external actions on a surface. Corrosion means the destruction of materials through chemical reactions whereas erosion means the carrying away of the topsoil from the surface of the earth.
NON STANDARD / CUSTOMIZED PRODUCTS NON STANDARD PRODUCTS NDE FLAW TECHNOLOGIES PVT.LTD. Plays a major role in Non-Standard Products. We are specialized in manufacturing of calibration blocks for Non-Destructive Testing Methods; our team was well expert in customized calibration block as per the requirement of Client requirement according to their on-site examination.
TENSILE SAMPLES Tensile test specimens are prepared in a variety of ways depending on the test specifications. The most commonly used specifications are BS EN ISO 6892-1 and ASTM E8M. Most specimens use both a round or square standard cross section with two shoulders and a reduced section gauge length in between.
HEAVY MACHINING FACILITY Our Organization has in-house modern machine shop to handle machining requirements of customers. This setup allows the company to assume single source of responsibility, which results in better control of the manufacturing process as well as reducing the overall lead time for the order. Our capabilities are on par with the best in the industry.
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