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Metric Version


DSC BLOCK (METRIC VERSION) Special Alloy A block that closely resembles the miniature angle-beam block and is used in a similar way is the DSC AWS Block. This block is used to determine the beam exit point and refracted angle of angle-beam transducers and to calibrate distance and set the sensitivity for both normal and angle beam inspection setups. Instructions on using the DSC block can be found in the annex of American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E164, Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments. In accordance with a metric equivalent, based on ASTM E164 and U.S. Contains a 25mm radius opposite a 75mm radius. The 75mm radius includes a 9.5mm deep x 0.8mm wide radius slot. Also contains a 0° reference point for checking exit point on wedge, and a 3.2mm diameter through hole and corresponding markings at 45°, 60°, and 70° for measuring actual refracted angle. In accordance with ASTM E164 and AWS 6.16.1B. Metric version available. Special DSC blocks with radiussed scanning surfaces for NPS sizes also offered. Geometry: 25mm and 75mm radius, and Ø3.2mm. Dimensions: 25mm THICK Material: Special Alloy


DSC BLOCK (METRIC VERSION) 1018 Steel A block that closely resembles the miniature angle-beam block and is used in a similar way is the DSC AWS Block. This block is used to determine the beam exit point and refracted angle of angle-beam transducers and to calibrate distance and set the sensitivity for both normal and angle beam inspection setups. Instructions on using the DSC block can be found in the annex of American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E164, Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments. In accordance with a metric equivalent, based on ASTM E164 and U.S. Contains a 25mm radius opposite a 75mm radius. The 75mm radius includes a 9.5mm deep x 0.8mm wide radius slot. Also contains a 0° reference point for checking exit point on wedge, and a 3.2mm diameter through hole and corresponding markings at 45°, 60°, and 70° for measuring actual refracted angle. In accordance with ASTM E164 and AWS 6.16.1B. Metric version available. Special DSC blocks with radiussed scanning surfaces for NPS sizes also offered. Geometry: 25mm and 75mm radius, and Ø3.2mm. Dimensions: 25mm THICK Material: 1018 Steel


DSC BLOCK (METRIC VERSION) STAINLESS STEEL 304 A block that closely resembles the miniature angle-beam block and is used in a similar way is the DSC AWS Block. This block is used to determine the beam exit point and refracted angle of angle-beam transducers and to calibrate distance and set the sensitivity for both normal and angle beam inspection setups. Instructions on using the DSC block can be found in the annex of American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E164, Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments. In accordance with a metric equivalent, based on ASTM E164 and U.S. Contains a 25mm radius opposite a 75mm radius. The 75mm radius includes a 9.5mm deep x 0.8mm wide radius slot. Also contains a 0° reference point for checking exit point on wedge, and a 3.2mm diameter through hole and corresponding markings at 45°, 60°, and 70° for measuring actual refracted angle. In accordance with ASTM E164 and AWS 6.16.1B. Metric version available. Special DSC blocks with radiussed scanning surfaces for NPS sizes also offered. Geometry: 25mm and 75mm radius, and Ø3.2mm. Dimensions: 25mm THICK Material: STAINLESS STEEL 304.


DSC BLOCK (METRIC VERSION) STAINLESS STEEL 316 A block that closely resembles the miniature angle-beam block and is used in a similar way is the DSC AWS Block. This block is used to determine the beam exit point and refracted angle of angle-beam transducers and to calibrate distance and set the sensitivity for both normal and angle beam inspection setups. Instructions on using the DSC block can be found in the annex of American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E164, Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments. In accordance with a metric equivalent, based on ASTM E164 and U.S. Contains a 25mm radius opposite a 75mm radius. The 75mm radius includes a 9.5mm deep x 0.8mm wide radius slot. Also contains a 0° reference point for checking exit point on wedge, and a 3.2mm diameter through hole and corresponding markings at 45°, 60°, and 70° for measuring actual refracted angle. In accordance with ASTM E164 and AWS 6.16.1B. Metric version available. Special DSC blocks with radiussed scanning surfaces for NPS sizes also offered. Geometry: 25mm and 75mm radius, and Ø3.2mm. Dimensions: 25mm THICK Material: STAINLESS STEEL 316.


DSC BLOCK (METRIC VERSION) TITANIUM A block that closely resembles the miniature angle-beam block and is used in a similar way is the DSC AWS Block. This block is used to determine the beam exit point and refracted angle of angle-beam transducers and to calibrate distance and set the sensitivity for both normal and angle beam inspection setups. Instructions on using the DSC block can be found in the annex of American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E164, Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments. In accordance with a metric equivalent, based on ASTM E164 and U.S. Contains a 25mm radius opposite a 75mm radius. The 75mm radius includes a 9.5mm deep x 0.8mm wide radius slot. Also contains a 0° reference point for checking exit point on wedge, and a 3.2mm diameter through hole and corresponding markings at 45°, 60°, and 70° for measuring actual refracted angle. In accordance with ASTM E164 and AWS 6.16.1B. Metric version available. Special DSC blocks with radiussed scanning surfaces for NPS sizes also offered. Geometry: 25mm and 75mm radius, and Ø3.2mm. Dimensions: 25mm THICK Material: TITANIUM.


DSC BLOCK (METRIC VERSION) ALUMINUM 7075-T6 A block that closely resembles the miniature angle-beam block and is used in a similar way is the DSC AWS Block. This block is used to determine the beam exit point and refracted angle of angle-beam transducers and to calibrate distance and set the sensitivity for both normal and angle beam inspection setups. Instructions on using the DSC block can be found in the annex of American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E164, Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments. In accordance with a metric equivalent, based on ASTM E164 and U.S. Contains a 25mm radius opposite a 75mm radius. The 75mm radius includes a 9.5mm deep x 0.8mm wide radius slot. Also contains a 0° reference point for checking exit point on wedge, and a 3.2mm diameter through hole and corresponding markings at 45°, 60°, and 70° for measuring actual refracted angle. In accordance with ASTM E164 and AWS 6.16.1B. Metric version available. Special DSC blocks with radiussed scanning surfaces for NPS sizes also offered. Geometry: 25mm and 75mm radius, and Ø3.2mm. Dimensions: 25mm THICK Material: ALUMINUM 7075-T6


DSC BLOCK (METRIC VERSION) INCONEL 625 A block that closely resembles the miniature angle-beam block and is used in a similar way is the DSC AWS Block. This block is used to determine the beam exit point and refracted angle of angle-beam transducers and to calibrate distance and set the sensitivity for both normal and angle beam inspection setups. Instructions on using the DSC block can be found in the annex of American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E164, Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments. In accordance with a metric equivalent, based on ASTM E164 and U.S. Contains a 25mm radius opposite a 75mm radius. The 75mm radius includes a 9.5mm deep x 0.8mm wide radius slot. Also contains a 0° reference point for checking exit point on wedge, and a 3.2mm diameter through hole and corresponding markings at 45°, 60°, and 70° for measuring actual refracted angle. In accordance with ASTM E164 and AWS 6.16.1B. Metric version available. Special DSC blocks with radiussed scanning surfaces for NPS sizes also offered. Geometry: 25mm and 75mm radius, and Ø3.2mm. Dimensions: 25mm THICK Material: INCONEL 625.


DSC BLOCK (METRIC VERSION) MONAL 800 A block that closely resembles the miniature angle-beam block and is used in a similar way is the DSC AWS Block. This block is used to determine the beam exit point and refracted angle of angle-beam transducers and to calibrate distance and set the sensitivity for both normal and angle beam inspection setups. Instructions on using the DSC block can be found in the annex of American Society for Testing and Materials Standard E164, Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments. In accordance with a metric equivalent, based on ASTM E164 and U.S. Contains a 25mm radius opposite a 75mm radius. The 75mm radius includes a 9.5mm deep x 0.8mm wide radius slot. Also contains a 0° reference point for checking exit point on wedge, and a 3.2mm diameter through hole and corresponding markings at 45°, 60°, and 70° for measuring actual refracted angle. In accordance with ASTM E164 and AWS 6.16.1B. Metric version available. Special DSC blocks with radiussed scanning surfaces for NPS sizes also offered. Geometry: 25mm and 75mm radius, and Ø3.2mm. Dimensions: 25mm THICK Material: MONAL 800.

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